Care for
Everyday Life.

At North Memorial Health, we acknowledge that it’s not enough to just deliver the what of healthcare: We work side-by-side with you on the how. Our care providers position themselves as your co-pilot, offering directions as you navigate your unique course from the driver’s seat.

Background image is Father and Son Laughing

Family Medicine

North Memorial Health knows “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Your neighborhood family healthcare providers set up a schedule of evidence–based preventive care for a lifetime of wellness. Far from just providing physicals and vaccines, this capable care also treats illnesses and injuries and manages common chronic conditions—head to foot, youngest to oldest, for each member of your household.

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north memorial health family medicine docotor smiling at workstation

Internal Medicine

Think of internal medicine as adult primary care, staffed with physicians who are well versed in providing spot-on diagnoses and excellent treatments for adult diseases. Indeed, solving complex or uncommon illness puzzles are internal medicine’s strength.

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two female medical staff members smiling at a workstation


North Memorial Health Pediatrics aims to help set your children up for a lifetime of good health habits. Get off on the right tiny tootsie with North Memorial Health’s high-quality care from days-old babies all the way up through your teens. You provide the cute kid, we’ll provide the TLC for their growing brains and bodies.

Learn More about Pediatrics
young child playing with stethoscope

Men's Health

North Memorial Health is improving the statistics that show men tend to delay or avoid their checkups. Our broad-spectrum men’s care addresses preventing and treating the diseases and injuries men are at risk for in a welcoming environment, from cardiology to urology, low testosterone to prostate cancer. Choose active, healthy aging over avoidance.

Learn More about Men's Health
Elderly male men's health customer in waiting room

Women's Health

North Memorial Health believes in empowering women to live their most vibrant lives. Our care teams understand all the nuances of women’s bodies and gear their services to women’s ever-changing needs, including maternity and birth, breast health and osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer care. Live life in full color.

Learn More about Women's Health
Female women's health doctor

Concierge Medicine

Turn to concierge medicine when you want to feel like you have a doctor in the family. Staffed by North Memorial Health internal medicine physicians, concierge medicine provides attentive, unlimited medical care day or night, holiday or weekend, whenever injury or illness arises.

Learn More about Concierge Medicine
middle aged male customer for concierge medicine

Executive Health

Healthy bosses create a healthy bottom line, but back-to-back boardroom meetings may make it difficult to prioritize checkups. That’s when North Memorial Health’s internal medicine physicians slot time with your schedule to ensure that no matter how busy you get, you’re still the CEO of your health.

Learn More about Executive Health
Two middle aged male executive health patients
Pregnant woman and partner

Support Groups and Classes

To fully support your health and wellness needs, North Memorial Health offers a variety of support groups and classes.

See All Groups, Classes and Events